
Audry Funk

canta - autora, MC, y activista

Conocida como Audry Funk, Audry Bustos Díaz es una canta - autora, MC, y activista nacida en Puebla, México. Residida en el Bronx, Nueva York y con pre- sencia internacional en la industria musical independiente de más de veinte años.

Durante este tiempo, su poderoso mensaje, ha llegado a diferentes escenarios de gran nivel, tales como el Festival Internacional de Puebla, MX (2023), festival Puebla Ciudad Mural, Puebla, MX (2022) el Lincoln Center, NYC, EUA (2022), SEIKANAHH Festival, FR (2022), La Media Torta, Bogotá, CO, (2022), San Juana Festival, Chicago, EUA (2022), The BRIC celebrate Brooklyn Festival, EUA (2021), entre otros foros de América Latina, Estados Unidos y Europa.

Además, ha dictado ponencias sobre filosofía, feminismo y migración en instan- cias como el CUNY Mexican Studies Institute, Doctoral and graduate student’s council - Mexican Studies Group (NYC, EUA), Centro Cultural Chimkowe de Peñalolén (CL), Colegio Comfandi Calipso (Cali, CO), Centro Colombo Ame- ricano (Bogotá, CO), Hudson River Museum (NYC, EUA), Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, EUA) y la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (MX).

Consolidándose así, como una de las máximas exponentes del Hip - Hop en es- pañol y colaborando con artistas y productores de todo el mundo, como Víctor Murillo (USA), Rebeca Lane (Guatemala), Linda Chichester (EUA), Comagatte (IT), Medusa (TN), Lirosse (FR), entre otros.

Known as Audry Funk, Audry Bustos Díaz is a singer-songwriter, MC, and activist born in Puebla, Mexico. Residing in the Bronx, New York and with pre- International sensation in the independent music industry for over twenty years.

During this time, its powerful message has reached different stages. of high level, stories like the International Festival of Puebla, MX (2023), festival Puebla Ciudad Mural, Puebla, MX (2022) Lincoln Center, NYC, USA (2022), SEIKANAHH Festival, FR (2022), La Media Torta, Bogotá, CO, (2022), San Juana Festival, Chicago, USA (2022), The BRICs celebrate the Brooklyn Festival, USA (2021), among other forums in Latin America, the United States and Europe.

In addition, she has given presentations on philosophy, feminism and migration instantly. cies such as the CUNY Institute of Mexican Studies, PhD and graduate students advice - Mexican Studies Group (NYC, USA), Chimkowe Cultural Center of Peñalolén (CL), Colegio Comfandi Calipso (Cali, CO), Centro Colombo Ame- ricano (Bogotá, CO), Hudson River Museum (NYC, USA), Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (MX).

Thus consolidating itself as one of the greatest exponents of Hip - Hop in es- navel and collaborating with artists and producers from all over the world, such as Víctor Murillo (United States), Rebeca Lane (Guatemala), Linda Chichester (USA), Comagatte (IT), Medusa (TN), Lirosse (FR), among others.

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